After some serious consideration, I have decided to sell the Beetle project. I simply do not have the room to continue the parts shuffling and storage. I was completely unprepared for the fact that a small little car will expand to at least three times it's size when you take it all apart. So, it is gone. I sold it to my Brother in law and he is well on his way to completing it. I had the vast majority of the body work done when it left, so his body work guy is progressing nicely. I am still storing the pan for him, but I think that will be delivered soon.
The good part of all this is; I will be able to keep tabs on the project as he progresses. I will post pics as I get the chance. For now, I will just keep tinkering with the bus and enjoying the ride.
If you would like to check out my bus blog, it's located here:
Thanks for following along.